A few comments here:

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 08:19:39 -0700, reckoner <recko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> as you may know, there is a Windows installer for PyCUDA here:
>     http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#cython
> Note that I have my own build of boost and PyCUDA, but I installed this 
> just to see if it would make distribution easier.  There are two issues 
> I found with this ( note that I am on a 64-bit Windows XP installation). 
> The first is the following dependency check of the _driver.pyd file that 
> the installer provides:
>     ---------------------------
>     Dependency Walker
>     ---------------------------
>     MSVCP90.DLL was not found.

I'm guessing the installer should include this file. I've cc'd Christoph
on this email to see if this can be changed.

> Obviously, since I built my own PyCUDA and Boost libraries, I don't have 
> this problem in my _driver.pyd file. This problem basically made it 
> impossible for me to use the installer's version of PyCUDA.
> The other issue is that the
>     http://wiki.tiker.net/PyCuda/Installation/Windows
> encourages you to use the 1.38 boost libraries whereas the installer 
> above provides 1.41. I'm not sure the wiki is out of date, but I built 
> PyCUDA following the 1.38 instructions and everything works fine for me.

I'm guessing the 1.41 issue cited on the wiki was not actually a result
of the 1.38->1.41 switch. Any version of Boost newer than 1.35 should
work, including very new ones.

> Interestingly, there are only two boost DLL's that the installer provides:
>     boost_python-vc90-mt-1_41.dll
>     boost_thread-vc90-mt-1_41.dll
> Note that when you build the boost libraries, you wind up with 
> approximately 4 GB of files. I removed everything from stage/lib in my 
> own installation except
>     boost_thread-vc90-mt-1_38.dll
>     boost_python-vc90-mt-1_38.dll
> and I'm able to run all of the examples and tests for PyCUDA. This is a 
> *massive* disk-space savings since now I only have two files instead of 
> 4 GB worth of files.

PyCUDA only requires a small part of Boost. As of current git, the
PyCUDA build system is capable of building these parts of Boost right
into PyCUDA, leading to only 400k of increase in PyCUDA's binary image
size. (incredibly, this is four orders of magnitude below a full Boost


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