Hi Simone,

sorry for the late reply. July was pretty crazy, but I'm slowly

I've never seen your particular error, but I would recommend two
things. First, configure.py is *not* necessary to install PyCUDA, it's
just a handy way of editing the build configuration. Instead, you may
manually create a 'siteconf.py' file in PyCUDA's root directory. An
example is here:


In addition, your error looks a bit like you're suffering from the
recent problems between distribute and setuptools. See this page for
more information:


Hope this helps,

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 07:19:00 +0200, Simone Mannori <simone.mann...@gmail.com> 
> I'm using UBUNTU 9.10 64bit distro on a NVDIA based laptop (Sony F11).
> CUDA 3.0 has been installed and woks perfectly.
> I have tried to install "stable" pycuda-0.93.tar.gz using the instructions
> available on your web site (including gcc downgrade) without success.
> I have tried also to install "git" version
> In both cases the error looks the same (see below for the details). I have
> tried all the hints available on-line without success.
> Where is the mistake ?
> Do you suggest to concentrate on 0.93, git or whatever?
> Do I need to use another distro? 10.04 is incompatible with NVDIA-CUDA
> driver, so I have stepped back to 9.10 (suggested by NVIDIA).
> I'm a really green on Python, so I'm feeling lost. Pycuda looks great. I'm
> working on thermonuclear fusion simulation (www.iter.org) using custom MHD
> code: Pycuda could simplify A LOT the development.
> Thanks in advance for your help
>   Simone Mannori - ENEA Brasimone - INRIA Rocquencourt
>   www.scicos.org - www.scicoslab.org
> //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> sim...@vaio:~/svn/pycuda/pycuda$ ./configure.py
> Scanning installed packages
> Setuptools installation detected at /home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda
> Non-egg installation
> Removing elements out of the way...
> Already patched.
> /home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg-info already
> patched.
> Extracting in /tmp/tmpF6gEju
> Now working in /tmp/tmpF6gEju/distribute-0.6.4
> Building a Distribute egg in /home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 142, in <module>
>     scripts = scripts,
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/core.py", line 113, in setup
>     _setup_distribution = dist = klass(attrs)
>   File "/tmp/tmpF6gEju/distribute-0.6.4/setuptools/dist.py", line 224, in
> __init__
>     _Distribution.__init__(self,attrs)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/dist.py", line 270, in __init__
>     self.finalize_options()
>   File "/tmp/tmpF6gEju/distribute-0.6.4/setuptools/dist.py", line 257, in
> finalize_options
>     ep.load()(self, ep.name, value)
>   File "/tmp/tmpF6gEju/distribute-0.6.4/pkg_resources.py", line 1922, in
> load
>     raise ImportError("%r has no %r attribute" % (entry,attr))
> ImportError: <module 'setuptools.dist' from
> '/tmp/tmpF6gEju/distribute-0.6.4/setuptools/dist.py'> has no
> 'check_packages' attribute
> /home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg-info already
> exists
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./configure.py", line 3, in <module>
>     from aksetup_helper import configure_frontend
>   File "/home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/aksetup_helper.py", line 3, in
> <module>
>     distribute_setup.use_setuptools()
>   File "/home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/distribute_setup.py", line 139, in
> use_setuptools
>     return _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir, download_delay)
>   File "/home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/distribute_setup.py", line 120, in
> _do_download
>     egg = _build_egg(tarball, to_dir)
>   File "/home/simone/svn/pycuda/pycuda/distribute_setup.py", line 112, in
> _build_egg
>     raise IOError('Could not build the egg.')
> IOError: Could not build the egg.
> sim...@vaio:~/svn/pycuda/pycuda$
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