Received from Andreas Kloeckner on Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 01:24:19PM EDT:
> On Sun, 5 Sep 2010 23:50:56 -0400, Lev Givon <> wrote:
> > If I create a distribute-based virtualenv named CUDA in my home
> > directory (using virtualenv 1.4.9), activate it, and then install the
> > latest revision of pycuda using the installation root ~/CUDA after
> > specifying the configure options
> > 
> > ./ 
> > --cudadrv-lib-dir=/usr/lib/nvidia-current,/usr/lib64/nvidia-current \
> > --boost-inc-dir=/usr/include/,/usr/include/boost \
> > --boost-lib-dir=/usr/lib,/usr/lib64 \
> > --boost-python-libname=boost_python \
> > --boost-thread-libname=boost_thread
> > 
> > (which is what I had been previously using to configure pycuda in the
> > past) the installation completes successfully.
> So, problem solved?
> Andreas

Sort of; my question was motivated by my attempts to update the pycuda
package on a distribution (Mandriva) that currently uses setuptools
rather than distribute to the latest revision in git. I managed to use
virtualenv to do this.


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