On Fri, 17 Sep 2010 14:54:11 -0400, Yiyin Zhou <heeroz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to pass some complex valued numbers to a kernel, but somehow it 
> messed up. Here is an example with GPUArray that can be reproduced on several 
> of our linux servers:
> initialize...
> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
> import numpy as np
> d_A = gpuarray.empty((1,128), np.complex64)
> d_A.fill(1+2j)
> d_A
> The result is correct
> d_A.fill(np.complex64(1+2j))
> d_A
> the imaginary part of the resulting array are all zeros
> It's not necessarily a problem with complex64, in some kernels complex64 is 
> correct, but complex128 is not.
> What could be the cause for that?

Not my fault:
(just reported)


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