On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:03:46 -0700 (PDT), meanerelk <meaner...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Summary:
> I'm trying to debug my kernel with cuda-gdb, 
> http://wiki.tiker.net/PyCuda/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Is_it_possible_to_use_cuda-gdb_with_PyCUDA.3F
> as described in the FAQ . However, every module and function seems to
> "disappear", because I get NameErrors whenever I try to access them. This
> does not happen when running the program normally, without cuda-gdb. Is this
> fixable, or should I file a bug report?
> Details:
> Driver version: 256.53
> CUDA version: 3.1
> PyCUDA version: 0.94.1
> Python version: 2.7
> I start execution with cuda-gdb --args python -m pycuda.debug [my program].
> Execution fails on the first line, which is 'argv = sys.argv[1:]' with:

What happens if you try this on examples/demo.py? If it doesn't happen
there, can you provide a simplified example that does exhibit the
problem? Are you on Windows/Linux/Mac?


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