On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:19:21 +0200, Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> wrote:
> Hello Andreas.
> I hope that your talk went well.
> I saw taht you have updated versions of PyCUDA (to 0.94.1)
> and PyOpenCL (to 0.92).
> My question is - are updates
> 79c10e87fc3b5ef7280442d079720ce067a96632 for PyCUDA
> and dcd70ebc88337cc6474452b83ac02d4ae0c411a9 for PyOpenCL
> final versions for stable and will you start now working
> on 0.95 and 0.93?


> I mean - should I package PyCUDA and PyOpenCL in those
> versions, 

Yeah, these should be ready to package (git tags v0.94.1 and v0.92,

> or do you plan to add something more and then
> call it final 0.94 and 0.92?

I might push out a 0.94.2 once we figure out and fix the odd reduction
issue on some Fermis. Other than that, these are final versions that
should last us for a few months.


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