On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 13:04:03 +0200, Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have been trying to create some OpenGL examples for PyCUDA
> and found program that segfaults.
> I cannot debug it fully as the last 8 functions are from
> NVIDIA libraries.
> The last known function in the trace is cuda::context::detach.
> Error is present on GTX460 (Fermi) and ION (9400M),
> on PyCUDA with my patch and without it.
> System information:
> Debian 64-bit, kernel 2.6.32, drivers 256.53, CUDA 3.1.
> PyCUDA from git.
> Can someone look at program and stack trace and tell whether
> there is some obvious mistake I am missing?
> If not, I think I will report upstream bug to NVIDIA.

Doesn't appear to crash with 260.24. (3.2RC available from Nvidia if you
sign up for their developer program) Haven't tried 3.2rc2.


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