Hi Nathan,

First, the failed context exception was thrown because you did not
release the context when the first exception occurred, namely
"pycuda._driver.LaunchError: cuMemcpyDtoH failed: launch failed". The
latter exception is the real problem.

The reason seems to be the following:

1. You allocate int16 CPU array:
>         out = zeros((ywin,xwin),dtype=numpy.int16)

2. You create GPU array with the same element size as "out":
>         out_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(out.size * out.dtype.itemsize)

3. You define the kernel which takes int array as a first argument:
>                __global__ void classify(int *out, float *slope, float *tpi)

4. And then you pass your 16-bit int array as 32-bit int array to this function:
>         classify(out_gpu,slope_gpu,tpi_gpu,block=(32,32,1),grid=(209,209))

5. As a result, you write beyond the border of this array in kernel
and GPU-CPU synchronization (which, in your case, occurs on
transferring data from device to host) fails.

In addition, check that the item size of slopeArray and tpiArray is

Best regards,

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