I recently tried accessing the premium version of CULA [1] R10 with
ctypes in conjunction with pycuda 0.94.2. Note that CULA provides its
own copies of the libcublas and libcudart libraries. With earlier
versions of CULA, the final line of the following snippet succeeds and
returns 0 (i.e., no error).

import pycuda.autoinit
import ctypes
libcublas = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libcublas.so')

When I try running the same snippet after installing CULA R10, the
final line returns a 1, indicating unsuccessful initialization. I can
successfully initialize libcublas if I don't initialize pycuda. Does
anyone have any insight as to what might be going on?

(I've posted this question on the CULA forum as well.)


[1] http://www.culatools.com

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