On Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:18:14 -0500, Tobjan Brejicz <toba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've had similar problems with OS X, writing custom CUDA C code. Mine
> > were fixed with an
> >
> > #include <stdint.h>
> >
> Thank you for helping Josh!
> Well so I did make change you said.  Still "uint" is not defined.    But
> "uint32_t" and "uint64_t" now is defined.  But still this error:
>  computation is not accurate:
>  python DemoMetaMatrixmulCheetah.py
> number of registers used: 12
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "DemoMetaMatrixmulCheetah.py", line 150, in <module>
>     assert error <= 1e-2, error
> AssertionError: 64.2192

What type of GPU do you have?


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