Dnia 2011-02-11, piÄ… o godzinie 18:19 -0500, Andreas Kloeckner pisze:
> Hi Tomasz,
> On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 22:00:22 +0100, Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> wrote:
> > Recently I have been playing with profiler and logger in CUDA.
> > Detailed description is in
> > http://wiki.tiker.net/ToolCheatSheet
> > and
> > http://wiki.tiker.net/ToolCheatSheet?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=compute-profiler-manual.txt
> > 
> > Basically I have set environment variable
> > COMPUTE_PROFILE to 1 and run PyCUDA programs.
> > I have observed that logger does not put every function
> > call into text files. I have also observed that test cases
> > (functions decorated by pycuda.tools.mark_cuda_test)
> > were generating full logs. The only difference I have
> > found was calling context.detach() in mark_cuda_test.
> > 
> > I have then experimented a little bit and observed
> > that indeed when I was not using pycuda.autotools but
> > instead created context manually and then popped
> > _and detached_ it full log was generated.
> > 
> > I am attaching patch that adds ctx.detach to functions
> > called at exit of program in pycuda.autoinit.
> > I have tested PyCUDA with this patch, and all programs
> > from test/* run without problems.
> > 
> > I am also attaching two logs from examples/demo.py.
> > One is result of using autoinit with detach, one without.
> > As you can see the latter misses some of the functions
> > like (2*gpuarray).get() (axpb kernel).
> > 
> > So Andreas, please apply this patch before finalising 2011.1.
> I see the need, but unfortunately your fix would introduce incorrect
> semantics. The problem is that by the time atexit is called, references
> to objects within that context may still be held. If we pop the context
> (but leave it alive), those objects can be destroyed without an issue
> once the garbage collector gets around to them. If we detach, then the
> context is gone [1], and any cleanup will fail, spewing warnings at the
> user.
> Until we decide what to do, can you please add an FAQ?
> http://wiki.tiker.net/PyCuda/FrequentlyAskedQuestions
> [1] 
> http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/3_2/toolkit/docs/online/group__CUDA__CTX_g3136efc315abd4c4455e875b9dbb65a1.html#g3136efc315abd4c4455e875b9dbb65a1
> Andreas

Added to the FAQ, also decided to add to documentation;
see attached diff.

Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860
diff --git a/doc/source/util.rst b/doc/source/util.rst
index b8252dd..4cb64a8 100644
--- a/doc/source/util.rst
+++ b/doc/source/util.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ The module :mod:`pycuda.autoinit`,  when imported, automatically performs
 all the steps necessary to get CUDA ready for submission of compute kernels.
 It uses :func:`pycuda.tools.make_default_context` to create a compute context.
+.. warning ::
+  Although it is possible to use CUDA profiler with PyCUDA, it will not
+  work correctly if :mod:`pycuda.autoinit` is used. In such a case CUDA
+  profiler will not save all events to the log file. One needs to manually
+  manage PyCUDA context for CUDA profiler to save all data to log files.
+  Context needs to be detached for CUDA to save all performance-related
+  events to the log file. See :class:`pycuda.driver.Context` and
+  :meth:`pycuda.driver.Context.pop` and :meth:`pycuda.driver.Context.detach`.
 .. data:: device
   An instance of :class:`pycuda.driver.Device` that was used for automatic

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