This is a sorta-cross-post from stack overflow:

I'm getting an out-of-resources error when trying to launch a CUDA
kernel (through PyCUDA), and I'm wondering if it's possible to get the
system to tell me which resource it is that I'm short on. Obviously
the system knows what resource has been exhausted, I just want to
query that as well.

I've used the occupancy calculator, and everything seems okay, so
either there's a corner case not covered, or I'm using it wrong. I
know it's not registers (which seems to be the usual culprit) because
I'm using < 70 and it still fails with a 1x1x1 block and 1x1 grid on a
CC 2.1 device.

Thanks for any help. I posted a thread on the NVidia boards:

But got no responses. If the answer is "you can't ask the system for
that information" that would be nice to know too (sort of... ;).


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