On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 15:53:10 -0400, Benjamin Horstman <yode...@gmail.com> wrote:
Non-text part: multipart/mixed
Non-text part: multipart/alternative
> This is hard, since PyCUDA doesn't (and shouldn't) attempt to parse the
> kernel source code. But that's the only way to find out what the number
> of arguments should be. Therefore, the CUDA libraries are the only spot
> where it's sensible to do that reporting, and they actually can't,
> either, since they treat the arguments passed to the function as a
> binary blob.
> You may want to talk to Oliver Chafik (JavaCL's author), as it manages to
> catch this type of error somehow:
> com.nativelibs4java.opencl.CLException$InvalidArgIndex: InvalidArgIndex
> (kernel name = testDummy, num args = 0, arg index = 0, source = <<<
>     __kernel void testDummy() {
>     }
> It might just be using the JavaCL generator underneath though, which does
> the crazy parsing exactly as you suggested (see
> http://code.google.com/p/javacl/wiki/JavaCLGenerator#Generated_code ).  It
> would be possible to write an equivalent for python, but I'm not sure if
> there's enough benefit in a runtime type-checked language.

CL is an entirely different matter--you can query for the number of
arguments in a kernel, so it's actually quite easy to do this. But
thanks for the pointers.


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