On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 18:12:49 +0100, Irwin Zaid <irwin.z...@physics.ox.ac.uk> 
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to build the latest PyCUDA source from git and I seem 
> to have run into issues with compiling it. I have succesfully hacked my 
> way to a solution, but I'm not sure what the proper resolution is. I 
> have encountered the errors on two systems, both Ubuntu 10.10, that have 
> successfully had many of the previous PyCUDA versions working.
> The problem is that, somehow, /usr/bin/locale (perhaps via including 
> /usr/bin) appears to be thrown into the compilation. This leads to a 
> billion errors of the form:
> /usr/bin/locale:{LINE NUMBER}: error: stray '{RANDOM CHARACTER}' in program
> This happens with just the default configuration from the git source. 
> However, if one comments out "#include <locale>" in both 
> bpl-subset/bpl_subset/boost/lexical_cast.hpp and 
> bpl-subset/bpl_subset/boost/format.hpp, then everything compiles and all 
> of the tests pass. Trying without the shipped boost does not resolve the 
> issue.

Can you please send the compiler command and your siteconf.py /
.aksetup-defaults.py that lead to this?


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