On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 12:48:37 +0100, Martin Kempf <martin.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Am 23.12.2011 12:54, schrieb Andreas Kloeckner:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > first of all, sorry for taking so long to reply to this. I had a busy
> > end of the (US) semester, with teaching, projects and all.
> no problem, thanks for the answer! Meanwhile I have read more on this 
> topic and it helped me understanding your clarifications. But there are 
> still some points I am curious about:
> > Now onward to the usefulness of both of these packages in conjunction
> > with PyCUDA. cgen can be useful if more 'textual' ways of generating
> > code don't work for your specific application. That said, I have found
> > that textual generation is sufficient in very many settings, and only
> > very few types of codegen require the flexibility that cgen offers. (but
> > those do exist!)
> Is the example on loopy found in this paper [1] a case where the 
> flexibiliy of cgen is needed? Where can I find more information on
> loopy?

That's loopy as of two prototypes ago. I'll release the current version
of loopy as soon as I submit the article that goes with it.

> > However, I've made the experience using cgen when it
> > isn't required ends up resulting in odd-looking code that's harder to
> > maintain than necessary. I am still using cgen in my projects (loopy,
> > yet to be announced, being the most recent one)--I'm just more judicious
> > about its use.
> >
> > codepy (in its compile-link variety) can also be used with PyCUDA. Bryan
> > Catanzaro has done this in Copperhead, where he uses codepy to drive
> > nvcc to compile host-side (!) Python extension modules that execute CUDA
> > code. This removes much of PyCUDA from the picture, as now you're using
> > the CUDA run-time interface, rather than the driver interface.
> Is this achieved by using the CudaModule of CodePy, combined with the 
> NVCCToolchain?

Correct. Bryan contributed that code.

> It is an interesting topic I came accros as it is the topic of my 
> seminar [2] at the university of applied sciences in Rapperswil, 
> Switzerland [3].

Great! Good luck with your seminar talk.


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