Hi Alex,

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 19:10:57 -0500, Alex Nitz <alex.n...@ligo.org> wrote:
> I'm new to using pycuda and I've run into the following issue. It seems
> that the definition of __rmul__ in GPUArray asserts that the dtype is
> float32. Is was wondering if there a reason for this? I would like to do
> this operation with other types such as float64.
> (line 328 of gpuarray.py)
>   def _rdiv_scalar(self, other, out, stream=None):
>         """Divides an array by a scalar::
>            y = n / self
>         """
>         if not self.flags.forc:
>             raise RuntimeError("only contiguous arrays may "
>                     "be used as arguments to this operation")
>         assert self.dtype == np.float32
>         func = elementwise.get_rdivide_elwise_kernel(self.dtype)
>         func.prepared_async_call(self._grid, self._block, stream,
>                 self.gpudata, other,
>                 out.gpudata, self.mem_size)

Fixed in git. Thanks for the report.


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