<#part sign=pgpmime>
On Tue, 6 Mar 2012 17:24:39 +0100, Sqoox85 <sqoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> So, is it possible to define static member data inside a struct in CUDA?
> For example:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> typedef struct _cuobject{
>     static cuType* type;
>     __host__ __device__ _cuobject(){
>         //type = NULL;
>         if(type == NULL){
>             cuType cuobjecttype = {
>                 cuObject_compare,
>             };
>             type = &cuobjecttype;
>         }
>     }
> } cuObject;
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If so, I could declare statically a cuobjecttype directly inside the struct
> without thinking about allocate it in pycuda code, but
> It give me an error. It say that in "if(type==NULL)" type is not
> defined.

Can you copy and paste a) a full code snippet and b) the complete error


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