w...@synchroverge.com writes:

> Hi everyone,
> This has been causing me problems for a few weeks now, and I'm hoping 
> someone would be able to shed some light on it.  I need to run some 
> CPU-intensive tasks in the background while launching GPU kernels in the 
> main loop of a project I'm working on, so I've been trying to offload to 
> a multiprocessing process.  But it seems what whenever I try to launch a 
> kernel while the background process is active, the kernel fails to get 
> the correct results (does not throw any errors).  Once the kernel 
> returns wrong results once, it continues to fail for the remainder of 
> the run, even if the background process has already finished and joined.
> I've put together a small code sample to demonstrate this [attached].
> Is this known behaviour, and if so, is there any workaround I can use?  
> Or am I doing something completely wrong?

Forking a process that has an active CUDA context is undefined behavior.


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