
i'm thinking someone with specialist pycuda knowledge will probably reply
soon, but if you're just wating to get started, it's usually the case that


will use good defaults (and complain if something is not configured


On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 01:23:26PM -0400, Joseph Youker wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently not able to access the wiki on installation for pycuda. It
> may be down.
> Is someone here available to help me with installation?
> I am pretty confused. I am reading README_SETUP. I think my main problem is
> the syntax for the  part where I must type
> ./configure.py --some-options
> Could someone give me an example of this? Also, do I have to specify each
> and every option or is there some default way to do the installation?
> Thank you.
> -- 
> * Joseph P. Youker, Student of Computer Science and Mathematics at Georgia
> State University*

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