
In Theano, we have an utility fct that create pycuda array from Theano
cudandarray. It is the first fct in this file:


I think you can reuse the same logic for numba pro gpu object.


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Michael McNeil Forbes <
michael.forbes+pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to try to interface PyCuda with NumbaPro (in particular,
> using NumbaPro for the FFT).  Attempts like the following fail:
> import numbapro.cuda
> import pycuda.gpuarray
> A = np.random.random((2, 2, 2))
> cu_A = numbapro.cuda.to_device(A)
> pycu_A = pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray(
> shape=cu_A.shape, dtype=cu_A.dtype, gpudata=cu_A.gpu_data,
> strides=cu_A.strides)
> pycu_A.get()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ArgumentError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-6-242ab62d4ae4> in <module>()
> ----> 1 pycu_A.get()
> /data/apps/anaconda/1.3.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/gpuarray.pyc
> in get(self, ary, pagelocked)
> 250
> 251         if self.size:
> --> 252             drv.memcpy_dtoh(ary, self.gpudata)
> 253         return ary
> 254
> ArgumentError: Python argument types in
> pycuda._driver.memcpy_dtoh(numpy.ndarray, DeviceMemory)
> did not match C++ signature:
> memcpy_dtoh(pycudaboost::python::api::object dest, unsigned long long src)
> -----------------------
> I am guessing that the issue is the gpudata object which probably needs to
> be of type pycuda.driver.DeviceAllocation but which cannot be allocated in
> python.  Is there some way of creating a pycuda.driver.DeviceAllocation
> proxy that actually points to the NumbaPro array data (which has the
> following attributes:
> cu_A.gpu_data.bytesize
> cu_A.gpu_data.device_ctypes_pointer
> cu_A.gpu_data.device
> cu_A.gpu_data.driver
> Thanks,
> Michael.
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