David P. Sanders <dpsanders@...> writes:

> Hi,
> I am trying to install PyCUDA for the first time, but I am having trouble
with the installation.
> I have installed CUDA 5.5 on my Mac with Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
> However, neither the lib64 nor the libcuda libraries seem to be installed
in this version; both are apparently required for PyCUDA.
> Could somebody please suggest a solution?
> Thanks and best wishes,
> David.
> -- Dr. David P. SandersProfesor Titular "A" / Associate
ProfessorDepartamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
> Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
/ office: #414, 4o. piso del Depto. de Física                        
  Tel.: +52 55 5622 4965

Hi David,

I've run into exactly the same issue when trying to install PyCUDA on
Mountain Lion with CUDA 5.5.

Did you manage to find a solution?


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