On Wed, 2 Apr 2014 17:41:59 +1300
Alistair McDougall <alistair.mcdoug...@pg.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I'm have previously been using PyCUDA on a Tesla C2075 as part my of
> astrophysics research. We recently installed a Tesla K40c and I was hoping
> to just run the same code on the new card, however I am receiving "pycuda
> ._driver.LaunchError: cuLaunchKernel failed: launch out of resources"
> errors.
> A quick google search for "PyCUDA Tesla K40c" returned a minimal set of
> results, which led me to wonder has anyone tried running PyCUDA on this
> card?

I ran into similar bugs with our K20 and I was
scratching my head for a while when people from Nvidia told me that the
driver 319 from nvidia had problems with the GK110 based Tesla cards.
Driver 331 runs without glitches for a while now.

Hope this helps.

Jérôme Kieffer
tel +33 476 882 445

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