Hi Christian,

Christian Hacker <christian.b.hac...@gmail.com> writes:
> So my question is this: does referencing a GPUArray from within a numpy
> array of objects entail some kind of ungodly overhead, and is there a
> *good* way to store a "jagged" GPUArray?

FWIW, I use object arrays with GPUArrays in them all the time, and they
work just fine. One thing to note is that a separate kernel will be
launched to perform arithmetic on each of the sub-arrays. As a result,
if the sub-array size is small enough that kernel launch overhead is
comparable to the cost of the operation on the array, then you will
start seeing a performance impact. I would say that as soon as the size
of your sub-arrays is around 10,000 or so, you should be OK.

If your sub-arrays are smaller and you care about every last bit of
performance, you will likely need to roll a custom solution that stores
segment boundaries along with the array.

Hope that helps,

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