
I have a question about pinned memory and hope that you can help me.

I found out that copying data from device to host takes
a very big part of my runtime, so I read about the issue
and came across "pinned memory".

There are several examples on the mailing list but I am not
sure if I am doing this the right way.

Do I need to initialize with drv.ctx_flags.MAP_HOST
or is this automatically activated if one of the
functions below is used?

dev = drv.Device(0)
ctx = dev.make_context(drv.ctx_flags.SCHED_AUTO | drv.ctx_flags.MAP_HOST)

Is drv.mem_host_register_flags.DEVICEMAP also needed if
the context is initialized with drv.ctx_flags.MAP_HOST ?

I found several methods that should do this
but none of them seems to work.
Are they all equivalent?

x = drv.register_host_memory(x, flags=drv.mem_host_register_flags.DEVICEMAP)
x_gpu_ptr = np.intp(x.base.get_device_pointer())

x = drv.pagelocked_empty(shape=x.shape, dtype=np.float32,

from pycuda.tools import PageLockedMemoryPool
pool = PageLockedMemoryPool()
x_ptr = pool.allocate(dest.shape , np.float32)

If I use
drv.memcpy_dtoh(a_gpu, x_ptr)

there is an error message

"BufferError: Object is not writable."

Kind regards,
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