Luke Pfister <> writes:

> I'm trying to allocate a 3D cudaArray in PyCUDA, then pass the pointer to
> this array through Cython.  T
> This is easy to do with 'regular' memory on the device via the GPUarray
> class;  I can just cast GPUarray.gpudata to long and then pass through
> Cython.
> Is there a way to do something similar with a pycuda.driver.Array?  I don't
> see a way to get to the device pointer.

There isn't currently, but it's not hard to patch in.

Add a handle_int (or some such) function here:

that returns the handle pointer cast to an integer. Realize that you
just assumed part of the responsibility for management of the lifetime
of the handle.

Wrap you new handle_int here:

Leave handle_int undocumented. Submit a pull request.


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