Keith Brown <> writes:

> I have a 2 small matrix (160080,3) of type float32 and I am
> calculating their dot product. While doing this, I keep getting
> pycuda.__driver.MemoryError: cuMemAlloc failed out of memory.
> I have 2 cards, each with 3GB of memory. Each matrix takes about 1875
> kilobytes. I am not sure why this is occuring.
> x=np.ones((160080,3L)).astype(np.float32)
> a_gpu=gpuarray.to_gpu(x)
> b_gpu=gpuarray.to_gpu(x)
> c_gpu =,b_gpu,'N','T',handle=handle)
> My handle is a cublasxt (not regular cublas since blasxt apprently
> does better memory handling).

Is "linalg" the regular numpy linalg module? If so, that's not going to
work, because that effectively accesses the GPU array element-by-element
across the PCIe bus. You probably need to call a cublas wrapper.


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