For me, PyDev 1.3.10 is working fine on Eclipse 3.3.0.

> JST Web Core (2.1.0.v200709192200-7Q7AE8kEHhHegvoxz-OtKv6) requires
> plug-in
> "org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.2.0)", or compatible.
> Note: I checked my eclipse setup and it appears that I have EMF 2.3.x
> installed.
> How do I get the emf.codegen package?

I have 2.3 installed and as far as I can tell emf.codegen comes with it. I
can only find updates up to JST Web Core 2.0.1. Perhaps 2.1.0 comes with
Eclipse 3.3.1? This is more a question for the Eclipse newsgroups.
> Java Persistence API Tools (1.1.0.v200709170000-772AgCYQCCz-D_LoCCEH)
> requires
> feature "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature".

Check your eclipse/features directory to check for the feature and if it is
not there go to updates to get this. 
> Pydev Mylar Integration (0.2.0) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.mylar
> (2.0.0.v20070403-1300)", or later version.

The Mylar integration no longer works with newer versions of PyDev.

See: Eclipse3.3 with Pydev 1.3.10 Mylar problem, have Mylyn

You want to use the Mylyn Integration only. (Mylar was renamed to Mylyn).

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