Hi All,

PyDev 2.2.2 has been released

Details on PyDev: http://pydev.org
Details on its development: http://pydev.blogspot.com

Release Highlights:

**IPython / Interactive console**

    * IPython (0.10 or 0.11) is now used as the interactive console
backend if PyDev can detect it in the PYTHONPATH.
    * While waiting for the output of a command, intermediary results
are printed in the console.
    * ANSI color codes are supported in the interactive console.

**Code Analysis**

    * Reporting variables that shadow builtins as warnings.
    * Fixed issue where __dict__ was not found.

**Code completion**

    * Aliases have a better treatment (i.e.: unittest.assertEqual will
show the proper type/parameters).
    * Improved support for analyzing function builtins where the
return type is known (i.e.: open, str.split, etc).


    * When doing a remote debug session, if the files cannot be found
in the local filesystem, PyDev will ask for files in the remote


    * Files without extension that have a python shebang (e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/python in the first line) are automatically opened with the
PyDev editor (in the PyDev Package Explorer).


    * When the shell command is used in the django custom commands,
PyDev no longer uses 100% cpu while it doesn't complete.


    * Fixed issue where the * operator was not properly formatted.
    * When the quick outline dialog is deactivated, it's closed.
    * Fixed heuristic for finding position for local import.
    * Fixed compare editor issue with Eclipse 3.2.
    * Fixed integration issue with latest PyLint.
    * Fixed deadlock issue on app engine manage window.
    * More options added to configure the automatic deletion of .pyc
files (delete always, never delete, delete only on .py delete).

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython
and IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE
-- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax
highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer



PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

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