The following forum message was posted by  at

Im using Django 1.3 with eclipse indigo pydev 32bit on windows 7 64 bit (python
when i run " runserver"  from windows cmd, it creates two python.exe
processes with +12,000K and +13000K memory. if i terminate by "ctrl+c" it 
both of these processes.
Now when run the runserver from pydev with auto-reload (i.e. no-reload removed),
it also creates two python processes with +12000K and +13000k memory. But if
terminate the runserver using the red terminate box from the console view the
process with +12000K goes down but the one with +13000K memory still remains
and the server is running.
i configured for runserver command in two ways but yielded the same problem:
1. project(right click)->django->custom command->runserver
2. run configurations

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