The following forum message was posted by khono at

I first asked this question at

I'll copy and paste the quesion here.  It has no replies as of the creation
of this post here on sourceforge.

"I'm not even certain what I'm referring to is called code folding. It's from
the small graphical + and - signs in the left-hand column that collapse sections
of code.

I'm using:

"Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

Version: Indigo Service Release 1
Build id: 20110916-0149"

with pydev for programming in python.

I checked Window>>Preferences>PyDev>Editor>Code Folding
and code folding is still check with all of the optional code segments to fold
still checked. I tried unchecking, pressing OK, then checking it again and 
enter. No dice.

The code folding worked well before today. Today, I double clicked the shortcut
for eclipse but I didn't see a 'wait' graphic on my cursor so double clicked
again. I got an error about the workspace already in use and it prompted me
to open a new one, to which I hit cancel and thought all was well.

I started using eclipse as normal but, at some point, found that the dropdown
menus weren't showing their options until I moused over them (then they properly
appeared on the screen). They were otherwise functional. This was limited to
eclipse and hadn't happened before. I kept using eclipse for another hour or
so without further issues. Code folding still functioned at this time. I then
discovered that, after deleting a function, the folding icon didn't go away.
At some point, possibly at this time or possibly earlier, I restarted eclipse
and the problem(s) remained.

I restarted the computer and tried booting up eclipse again. The menu dropdowns
now worked fine but I noticed that all the code folding icons were gone. Again,
don't know how to restore them.


EDIT: I just opened up an earlier version of my program and found that it still
has its code folding icons. SO it seems to just be a setting that got changed
somewhere but I have no idea where it is! Sorry if this is a PyDev issue...
I have no idea if it is or not. But any assistance would be greatly appreaciated
as I don't want to try to navigate unfolded 780 line + program Sad


EDIT 11:54am EST, 9 Nov, 2011: The plot thickens. Since other files still have
functional (seems to be fully functional with no problems) code wrapping, I
decided to try to copy-paste my latest version into a new file. Doing so in
eclipse didn't solve the problem. Doing so into notepad and saving it as a 
different filename then loading it into eclipse didn't fix it either!

So I next tried to create some new functions to see if they'd gain folding.
They did but it's very glitchy. The function doesn't get a folding icon but
the if statements in there do. However, folding it only folds the first line
in the if statement, not the entire statement.

So I went into a file that's working properly and tried creating new functions
there. They work exactly as I believe they're supposed to, none of the bugs
in the other files. I have NO IDEA how the bug transferred into notepad then
back into eclipse.

Now I just tried creating a new source file. Worked fine. I tried copying and
pasting my program into that file. The wrapping still worked for the original
code but none were generated for the old code. Creating a new function in the
pasted old code does not create any (even glitchy) code wrapping.

*pulls hair out*

I'm now pretty sure this is PyDev so I'm gonna ask this question there, if I

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