The following forum message was posted by  at

Hi everyone,

There is something I really hate in Aptana Studio 3 when I am using Ruby.  When
I try to use Ctrl+Shift+/ it inserts a comment of this form:

          My lines of code
          My lines of code
          My lines of code
          My lines of code
          My lines of code

I would like the Ctrl+Shift+/ to be defaulted to toggle commenting with '# '
instead; like so:

        # My lines of code
        # My lines of code
        # My lines of code
        # My lines of code
        # My lines of code

I have gone to the key preferences and tried changing PyDev toggle comment 
to Ctrl+Shift+/ but it doesn't work.  It must be picking that behavior from
somewhere else.  What do I need to change so that I get the IDE to behave like
I want?


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