On Mar 27, 2011, at 5:42 PM, A.M. Kuchling wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 09:17:34AM -0700, Aahz wrote:
>> IIRC it's a safety measure to prevent breaking the site.  (I'm not
>> sufficiently involved in the build process to have an opinion about your
>> suggestion.)
> It's actually more of a security measure: the code for the build
> script, which includes the templates, needs to be updated manually to
> prevent someone from introducing code that would then be automatically
> executed on live.

Another approach I have seen (and used) is to check the *built* site into the 
source repository. That way the tools to construct it don't need to be run on 
the server at all. That approach works better with a DAG-based version control 
system than with svn, though, because you have to be more careful about 
handling merges correctly.

I will look over the instructions Martin sent, and understand how to make the 
current system work before I make any sorts of suggestions for changes, though. 


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