We have at least one user who is using the LibreJS extension that blocks 
javascript not known to be "free" (in the ideological sense). Parts of 
python.org break when you do this. I promised I would forward this feedback to 
the web team. 

It looks like the google calendars break (no surprise) and also the sphinx 
search for the python documentation (really a sphinx issue instead of a 
python.org web team issue).

Michael Foord

Begin forwarded message:

> From: LRN <lrn1...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: JavaScript problem
> Date: 28 February 2013 16:15:11 GMT
> To: Michael Foord <mich...@python.org>
> Cc: webmas...@python.org
> Hash: SHA1
> On 28.02.2013 20:02, Michael Foord wrote:
>> We use google calendars for the release schedule and other
>> calendars, which is *probably* the Javascript you're talking about
> Yes, it could be.
>> - although your report is not sufficient to actually diagnose any
>> particular problem.
> Yes, LibreJS is not very informative about its decisions about
> JavaScript code it sees. Probably because the algorithm behind these
> decisions is not trivial. I think there is some info on this in
> LibreJS readme file, but that is the extent of my knowledge
>> What do you mean by "broken"?
> These features do not work. The calendar-related feature on python.org
> says that JavaScript is disabled, while search feature doesn't show
> up, without any explanations from docs.python.org
>> As far as I can tell the features you describe (calendars and
>> search) all work fine.
> Apparently, they rely non-free JS code, which is blocked by LibreJS,
> which is why they do not work.
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May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing 

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