On Sunday 9. February 2014 12.14.14 anatoly techtonik wrote:
> Can somebody make Wiki send mails from some list address more suitable
> for discussions?

You can't argue with the wiki? ;-)

But regarding the change I made...


> > The "PythonEditors" page has been changed by PaulBoddie:
> > https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors?action=diff&rev1=557&rev2=558
> > 
> > Comment:
> > Added ACL.
> Why?

Because I'm fed up of having to revert wiki pages all the time. Some people 
may subscribe to the idea that things should be super-easy for random people 
on the Internet to go in and make their oh-so-vital contribution to shared 
resources like the Python Wiki, because it's otherwise "setting a high 
barrier", "inconvenient for quick changes" or just being "elitist", but when 
it just means that people go in and vandalise it with their stupid link 
spamming, I'd much rather raise the barrier so that it's more likely that only 
people motivated enough to sign up and to actually demonstrate competence and 
benign intent get to edit those resources.

> > + #acl TrustedEditorsGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read
> > +
> > 
> >   If you have anything to contribute -- e.g. configurations for editors,
> >   new editors, or opinion -- don't hesitate to edit or create pages.
> Isn't it contradicting with ACL?

Not really. Random spammers don't have anything to contribute, and short of 
introducing other measures (which exist but don't seem to be palatable to the 
admins, at least as far as I know), I don't think it's much to ask people to 
demonstrate that they are sincere about making genuine contributions. There 
are people who send mails to me personally to edit pages without ACLs, so it's 
no hardship for people to do what you managed to do and to work your way up 
into the trusted editors group.

Currently, I'm setting ACLs only on the most spammed pages after reverting 
them for the nth time. Again, we could add other measures, but there seems to 
be a resistance to do so. I think admin time and resources are limited (and 
I've been waiting for months for the go-ahead on something else that involves 
the python.org infrastructure, although I'm quite prepared to wait), and so we 
just have to make the best out of what we have. But that doesn't mean asking 
more from me and others who de-spam the wiki just to make everybody else's 
lives, including those of random spammers, easier.

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