On 20.02.2014 21:09, David Goodger wrote:
> On 20 February 2014 12:52, Noah Kantrowitz <n...@coderanger.net> wrote:
>> Now that the PSF is an open-membership organization, is there any objection
>> to making the PSF wiki open access as well? Seems a bit silly to say
>> "members only" when anyone can be a member.
> Yes, I object. If you look at https://wiki.python.org/psf/FrontPage,
> the purpose of the wiki is spelled out at the bottom:
> """
> The purpose of this wiki is as a private space for collaborative editing:
> * for initial internal development of proposals and plans, that may
> not yet be ready to be shared with the world at large;
> * to arrive at an internal consensus before taking an official position;
> * for sensitive and confidential information; and
> * to serve as an archive of projects we decided not to pursue and the
> reasons why not.
> """
> AFAIK, all of these are still useful. And even if not, these were the
> rules in place when the existing pages were added, and opening them up
> wholesale could expose details that shouldn't be made public. There
> are pages that are limited to Board Directors and Officers that should
> definitely not be made public. On the other hand, it's easy to enable
> public access for individual pages as needed, and this has been done
> for several pages.
> The PSF may have open membership now, but I expect that the majority
> of new members will be Basic Members without voting rights. I suggest
> that the purpose of the Private PSF Wiki be re-stated as accessible to
> "voting members of the PSF".
> In any case, I think this is premature.
> http://www.python.org/psf/membership/ still lists the old membership
> classes. http://www.python.org/psf/bylaws/ show the old bylaws, not
> the new ones (and have the new ones been adopted yet?). I assume that
> the form at http://www.python.org/users/membership/ is for Basic
> Membership (I don't see any choice there, or any way to pay a
> Supporting Membership fee).
> If we want to have a normally-open wiki for the PSF, I recommend
> making a new one, and selectively moving pages over from the old one.
> I think you'll find there's plenty that ought not to be made open.

I agree with David. We've been using the PSF wiki as private place
for sharing PSF internal information. That information would have
to be reviewed before making it public.

Note that we have not yet decided on whether basic members will
get access to the wiki or the members mailing list. Like
David suggested, limiting this access to voting members would
be an option.

The board will put together a FAQ to address such questions
regarding the new membership model.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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