On 26.02.2015 08:14, Terri Oda wrote:
> I'd be happy to help too, especially since (with GSoC warming up) I expect 
> I'm going to be in touch
> with a lot of folk who want to edit that page.
> My username is TerriOda, and it doesn't look like I have admin permissions to 
> edit the EditorsGroup
> page yet.

Thank you for volunteering. I've added you as admin as well :-)

> On 2015-02-20 1:53 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> I have a feeling, I'm the only one processing these requests.
>> I could use some help, since I don't want to keep people waiting
>> too long and also don't want to be the bottleneck of all this.
>> This is the editors page:
>> https://wiki.python.org/moin/EditorsGroup
>> Simply add new editors to the bottom of the listing.
>> Thanks,

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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