On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:05 AM,  <ejohn...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I just signed up for a new account.
> I would like to add New Mexico to list of states with a Local Python User's 
> Group.
> We have one: http://www.meetup.com/AbqPython/
> So I want to see that listed on this page: 
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/LocalUserGroups

Sure, no problem. What's your Wiki user name? I can grant that user
permission to make edits.

> I am looking for a place where we can create sub-pages under the home page 
> for that Meetup group, edit meeting notes, discuss various Python things, 
> have members create and maintain their own Wiki Python pages, etc.  This site 
> seems like the logical place to do that. If you feel otherwise, just say so 
> and I will look for a different Wiki home for our Meetup group.
> If you want to add the group to the Local User Groups yourself and get us 
> started with a place to create sub pages for our group, that would be great.
> Please let me know.

This part I have no idea about, sorry. I'm just a "humble
functionary", as Sir Humphrey put it. Anyone else on the list know?

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