On 23.09.2015 00:59, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Russell Sim <russell....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You bet ya!
>> Thanks Chris.
> No problem.
>> Hey, it was really hard for me to figure out this process.  I realise that
>> is part of the plan to reduce spam.  But could you consider having an edit
>> link that only show for users without the edit permission that redirects to
>> instructions on how to get edit permissions.
> There's a link down the bottom of the page, but honestly, I don't know
> anything about the technical difficulty of doing what you suggest. M-A
> might be better placed to answer that question.

I don't think that's possible without hacking the moin code
to add such a redirect. Because that would leave us with a custom
installation, I'm rather reluctant to apply such patches.

We are already running an OpenID plugin which is unmaintained
and has lost 2/3 of its functionality because of this: Google
no longer does OpenID and myOpenID has gone out of business,
leaving only Launchpad as OpenID provider.

All that said, if you know a way to do this without hacking the
moin code (theme changes are fine), please let me know.

> In any case, you shouldn't have to worry about it from now on.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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