On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 9:08 AM, Raghav H <r...@cryptowiz.com> wrote:
> I had sent out a similar request a couple of days back as well. 
> Unfortunately, there was no response from pydotorg-www e-mail group.
> Since, you seem to have helped out ‘younggunkim’ below, can you please fix 
> the same for me as well. Here is the e-mail I had sent out earlier.

I'm just a low-grade administrator, sadly :)

> Hi:
> I have been having trouble with the PSF Wiki Site since yesterday in several 
> areas. Account Creation page did not work and finally when it did work after 
> several attempts, did not honor the account that was created (Invalid 
> Password error!). When I tried to reset the password, I get “Invalid Reset 
> Token” error — though I’m just clicking through the link I have received in 
> the "Reset Password" e-mail.
> Can anyone please look into the above and help me in creating my account, 
> please?

These kinds of issues aren't things I can fix.

> Account details:
> Username: RH
> E-mail: r...@cryptowiz.com
> Also, may I request my account to be added to the “EditorsGroup” as I’d like 
> to edit the following page: 
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016

I can do that part, but it won't do you any good if you can't log in.

> Finally :), if you would like any help with maintenance of the Python Web 
> Infrastructure (such as the Wiki etc.), I’m glad to volunteer for the same! :)

Also not my area, sorry.

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