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I have added some new ideas to my previous email.

A. Map and Wirelessly Control the Human Brain
- Use quantum physics and string theory.
- Use nanoparticles (like network adapters for computers) powered by 
nanobatteries. They be able to should send and receive signals. They should be 
50 nanometers in size. In comparison the size of small virus is 30 nanometers 
and the size of a neuron is 4 to 100 micrometers which is hundreds of times 
larger than the virus. The nanoparticles could be built using computer chip 
transistor technology (1 nanometers).
- Use atoms (like photons) or subatomic particles generated by artificial 
phenomena (like a laser beam) to trigger neurons.
- Register the activity of a brain when certain actions are performed and 
generate the same radio wave patterns towards the same brain and see what 
happens. To gather thoughts generate very low frequency radio waves that go 
through the human brain and in combination with the waves produced by the brain 
create a pattern that can be interpreted by a software.
- Study how the cordyceps mushroom controls the brains of ants. Create 
synthetic particles that can do the same in other life forms.
- Build better brain wave detectors.
- Study how coffee and other substances affect the brain and create artificial 
ones that do the same but without secondary effects.
- Study flies. They have only 250 thousand neurons. This is very little in 
comparison to a human who has 100 billion neurons.

B. Increase the Number of Scientists and Engineers
- Teach free science courses in every city with more than 10 thousand people. 
Teach math, chemistry, and physics.
- Have math, chemistry and physics competitions and give motivating rewards to 
the first 30% of the winners.
- If these ideas are implemented in one city or country and things go well 
other cities/countries can do the same thing.
This will increase the number of engineers and scientists in the world.
- Find methods to increase the learning performance of everyone in the world by 
25%. One idea to do this is by teaching children memorizing techniques at an 
early age. This increases the level of education in the world.
This in turn increases scientific progress and the creation of new and better 
- Teach programming in schools from the 3rd grade. Our environment contains 
more programming related things than those related to physics and chemistry. 
This is because we spend a lot of our time on computers and smart phones.
Programming is not more complicated than math or
chemistry. As soon as children can add two numbers together let them also add 
them using computer programs.

C. Give Very Cheap But Useful Computers to the 3 Billion People Who Don't Have 
- This will double the number of computer users in the world.
- There are computers that can be built for 50 dollars. On them you can use 
versions of Linux that run on computers with 16 Ram and 100 Mhz. Linux works 
95% like Windows.
- These 3 billion people will in time have access to the internet and will give 
the rest of the world new and original ideas.

D. A Common Language for Everyone in the World
- With one language everyone will have access to all the information written or 
registered in the entire world.
Every movie and TV show in the world will be in one language. Every writer in 
the world will write books in one language.
- Currently most of the great things thought by most people in the world don’t 
get to everyone and be useful in their daily lives.
- If 7 billion people speak the same language, authors and movie creators are 
more motivated to spend many times more time
creating the best possible books, movies, and other products. So the quality of 
books and movies and other products will increase tremendously.
- People unite because they speak the same language and start wars because they 
speak different languages. On a very long timeline we will stay safer as a 
species if we all speak the same language.
- In 100 years I'm 100% certain that all people in the world will speak the 
same language anyway. Why not get there sooner?
- People are spending 12 years of life trying to learn 1-3 foreign languages. 
That time could be used to do something more useful.
- If everyone speaks the same language this will improve scientific 
collaboration between countries.
- If 7 billion people speak the same language this improves the quality of 
education everywhere in the world. It is easier to create video courses that 
can be used to learn biology, math, programming and other things everywhere
in the world. We can create the best “Introduction to Neuroscience” course, put 
it on a DVD and give access to it to 7 billion people.

E. Help Poor Countries Develop
- Almost 1 billion people don't have enough food to lead active lives.
- Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on 
less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less 
than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty.
According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.
- Maybe ten people like Einstein live in a very poor country. Their potential 
to revolutionize science is lost if we don't offer them the right conditions to 
fully achieve their potential. It is worth helping them because
the discoveries they can make can improve the lives of everyone alive.

F. Create Smarter Artificial Intelligence
- Focus on developing smarter artificial intelligence and automate most of the 
jobs people do. This will allow people to work 25 hours a week for the same 
salary they get in 40 hours a week.
- This will create great wealth and abundance everywhere in the world and will 
allow people to have a basic income even if they don't work.
- This will also end world hunger.
- AIs smarter than humans will be able to do research 24/7, 7 days a week 
without getting bored or tired.

Kind regards,
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