Thank you, and I will add the note as advised - however, I am still unable to edit the pages in question. I just replied to Steve Holden about the same, but forgot to hit the Reply All.

Best regards,
Stanimir Djevelekov

On 7/23/19 4:10 PM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
On 7/23/19 6:15 AM, stanimir wrote:

Silly me - my username is StanimirDjevelekov.

I am thinking of alphabetical order, as both standard and fair for all
the listed companies/providers - the only other option I can think of is
the entries' last date of modification, but I don't think that it would
be a better choice.
We have this issue on a number of other pages (in fact, we have some
past history of people (apparently) trying to improve their "search
rank" by moving their entry up).  Alphabetical is at least a fair, if
arbitrary, approach (waiting for somebody to rename their company
AAAABest, paper-telephone-book style :)) ... do add a note to the effect
that the list should be kept alphabetised to avoid further confusion.

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