Thanks for being prepared to share your work with the larger Python

The Wiki is user-edited, so you need to set up a user account on the Wiki
at if you haven't
already done so, then let us (pydotorg-www@) know what it is. Someone will
make you an editor, and you can modify the ProblemSets page as appropriate.

Kind regards,
Steve Holden

On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 4:12 PM Ilkka Kokkarinen <>

> Hello,
> After three semesters of teaching my introduction to programming with
> Python course at  Chang School for Continuing Education at Ryerson
> University for adult professionals of various levels, my collection "109
> Python Problems for CCPS 109" is ready to be shared with the wider world.
> This repository includes the automated pseudorandom fuzz tester script
> and the two text files needed to run some of tests. I am
> releasing these problems and the tester code under GNU GPL v3 for anybody
> to use and adapt for their needs.
> I hope that this repository is worthy of inclusion to the "ProblemSets"
> page at Python Wiki.
> Ilkka Kokkarinen
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