Hi Sumana,

Thanks for your note. You should publish this on the Wiki, I haven't seen
any similar content anywhere!

Kind regards,

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 3:51 PM Sumana Harihareswara <s...@changeset.nyc>

> Here is a tip for anyone who is converting a complicated page on the
> wiki from reStructuredText to MoinMoin wiki format, as I just did
> https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG?action=diff&rev1=107&rev2=108 .
> I'd been looking for an rST-to-MoinMoin converter but hadn't found one,
> so I ended up using pandoc to get to an intermediate HTML state, then an
> HTML-to-MoinMoin format.
> (I did this so I could use the  `<<TableOfContents()>>`  syntax to
> automatically get a table of contents and easy anchor tag links to page
> sections.)
> Cleaned up to remove backtracking, I:
> 1) copied the rST source text of the page into a local file,
> packagingwg.rst
> 2) removed the `#format rst` line from the start (but copied the rest of
> the hashmarked stuff from the start, like an #acl line, into a separate
> scratch pad to retain for later)
> 3) turned the rST into HTML using pandoc: `pandoc -o packagingwg.html
> packagingwg.rst` (this gave me a few errors, like "[WARNING] Reference
> not found for 'fundable packaging improvements' at chunk line 1 column
> 50", which meant it slightly misformatted a few internal wiki links
> 4) installed libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl which is available as a
> Debian package
> 5) converted from HTML to MoinMoin using  `html2wiki --dialect=MoinMoin
> packagingwg.html > packagingwg.wiki`
> 6) pasted the non-format-related hashmarked lines from my scratch pad
> into the start of packagingwg.wiki
> 7) corrected the "Reference not found" errors by removing the `|` in any
> hyperlinks that had turned into `[[|internal-pagename]`
> 8) replaced the contents of the page source with packagingwg.wiki
> Worked fine!
> Only on the revision AFTER that (so, knowing what format to use for the
> renderer, I suppose) will MoinMoin properly preview a table of contents
> for the page. So, heads-up.
> If there is an easier rst-to-MoinMoin path, or if there's a table of
> contents syntax available that works for reStructuredText-formatted
> pages on wiki.python.org, please let me know! I looked but I may have
> missed something.
> --
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Changeset Consulting
> https://changeset.nyc
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