I spoke with Ernest a few weeks ago about how www.python.org could become a better home for public minutes of meetings. So here is my current thinking - this is long, but I want to share it in public in case it helps others understand the work.


Right now, www.python.org hosts the board meeting minutes https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/minutes/ . We talked about maybe also making space for working group/project meeting minutes, like the ones I write up and currently host on the wiki (example: https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG#Dependency_resolver_and_user_experience_improvements_for_pip ).

In the call, Ernest asked me to list what would be important in a minuting package for www.python.org, distinguishing "required" from "heavily encouraged" to "dream features".

Current workflow:

Right now, in order to minute meetings of Packaging WG-funded projects, I:

* use an Etherpad at pad.sfconservancy.org (just because it's a public and reliable EtherPad instance) and take notes with bullet points
* after the meeting, use its Export function to export to plain text
* mess with the formatting to adjust to MoinMoin wiki syntax
* go to https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG and create a new placeholder link in the table of meeting notes, annotating with the description, type (meeting notes), and date
* copy the text into that page, fix formatting, and hit Save
* erase the meeting notes from the Etherpad and hyperlink to the archived notes

What I want:

For the process in general, I have 3 core values:
* Ease of writing: it should be easy for me and for other meeting attendees to collaborate on writing minutes, live, during the meeting, in a reasonably lightweight syntax (such as Markdown) * Privacy: as we write the minutes, they should be private to meeting attendees, so we can discuss things we then redact before sharing (vacations, burnout, criticism of other people or projects) * Transparency: the final minutes should be public where anyone can read them, without having to log in anywhere, and linkable

As I understand it, a minuting system on www.python.org would have a hierarchy like PSF -> Working Group -> Project. Example: PSF -> Packaging WG -> Pip dependency resolver & UX improvements.


* Discoverability: the public minutes should be easy to find from a central project info hub, and show up in search engine results. * Linkability: each meeting should have some unique URL or anchor tag, so that it's easy to link to minutes within an issue or mailing list post. * Ease of formatting: some subset of HTML, Markdown, and reStructuredText should be supported.

Heavily encouraged:

* Automated table of contents on the Project page. Should include (by default) date and title of meeting, and it should be possible for me to also manually append (maybe in a separate list) links to relevant blog posts, reports, podcasts, etc. * Automated table of contents on the Working Group page to all Projects underneath it. * Finding aid/intro: A structure on each Project page that includes a freeform text field but also encourages certain fields (project name, list of participants, estimated start and end dates).
* Ease of formatting: Markdown support.
* Ease of import: a batch process to import old minutes from wiki.python.org, even if I then have to mess with formatting. * Granular privileges: I'd like to let all my team members add minutes within our chunk of the site hierarchy.
* Ease of sign-on: Single sign-on with other PSF systems.
* Minutes structure: Structured text fields for meeting title, list of participants, discussion, and Next Steps/TODOs/Commitments.


* Ease of navigation: from a particular minutes entry, I'd love to be able to click Next or Previous to go to the next/previous entry within that project chronologically. * Ease of import: take an HTML import from Etherpad and strip the colors and other unnecessary syntax. * Ease of import: On some note-taking platform (could be HackMD, Etherpad, Dropbox Paper, Google Docs, Nextcloud, or something else), I could choose an option to export to a new www.python.org minute. The new draft would autopopulate, so I could make changes and click Publish, and then it would show up at the right URL and be present in a Table of Contents automagically. * Ease of formatting: support MoinMoin wiki syntax (so I can copy old stuff easily). * Ease of reporting: this is really out-there, but if I could use some feature to automatically pull out the top-level discussion headings from each minute, and make a list of "here's what we discussed", then I could use that when publicizing the meeting notes, and it would make people more likely to read them. * Analytics: so I could see who is linking to those notes and where they're being referred to.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

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