Dear PyFR developers and users,

I have successfully reproduced the LES simulation of the flow around a 
sd7003 airfoil presented in the paper (On the utility of GPU accelerated 
high-order methods for unsteady flow simulations: A comparison with 
industry-standard tools, 2017 JCP). The results are quite good.

Now, I want to perform LES of flow around a NACA0015 airfoil with angle of 
attack near stall angle and Reynolds number of around 60,000. The first 
difficulty encountered is the mesh generation. I have the following 

1. In the PyFR user guide, the free software Gmsh is used to generate mesh. 
As seen in the above JCP paper by the developers, the mesh used in LES 
of flow past airfoil is complex. The mesh is refined near the airfoil and 
in the rectangular wake region, and then quickly coarsened outside these 
regions. So, is there any example script that can be read into Gmsh to 
generate such a complex mesh for a LES simulation or any guide for complex 
mesh generation? 

2. For a LES simulation, the grid resolution (dx, dy, dz) in streamwise, 
wall-normal and spanwise direction respectively must satisfy certain 
criterion. According to the above JCP paper, y+ in the first layer of mesh 
near wall is around 0.4. So, what is the grid spacing in streamwise (dx) 
and spanwise (dz) direction if the Reynolds number is around say 60,000? 

3. Pointwise17.3R4 can generate mesh for PyFR. However, its seems that in 
Pointwise, one cannot specify periodic boundary conditions and there is no 
option for periodic BC. So, how can we impose the periodic BC when 
pointwise is used. 

It will be greatly appreciated if anyone can help answer the above 
questions or give some suggestion. 

Best regards,


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