I dont have a website for the game, the main module is attached below.
As for the frame rate, I have no real management, as I thought that it
was not really necessary. Should I have some sort of frame rate

On 6/12/06, Rene Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you have a link to your game?

How do you manage the frame rate?

On 6/13/06, talon spotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> I am writing a space invaders style game, and it works well on
> windows. When I tried the game
> under ubuntu linux(dapper), it was noticeably slow. After some
> googling, I found this:
> http://www.libsdl.org/pipermail/sdl/2006-May/074254.html
> I dont have access to any other distro of linux right now to check if
> it is just a problem under ubuntu. I wasnt really able to see any
> speed increase in pygame after opening up firefox, but i just casually
> checked it and have not been able to do further tests as of yet.
> Has anybody heard of this? Does anybody have any ideas?
> Thanks, s.

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from enemyship import EnemyShip
from playership import PlayerShip
import time
import sys
from bullet import Bullet
import win_newlevel

def play(bigidea):

    boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()  # using the sprite group

    global game_height
    game_height = 400
    global game_width
    game_width = 400

    if bigidea == None:

    #level = "level"
    num = bigidea[5]
    #print num
    #end = ".map.txt"

    color = [[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,50,205]]
    #location = [[10,15],[50,15],[90,15]]
    location = bigidea[0]
    #print bigidea[0]
    #print bigidea
    length = len(location)
    #times_to_kill = 5
    times_to_kill = bigidea[2]
    for x in range(length):
	boxes.add(EnemyShip(location[x],times_to_kill)) # in sprite use .add()

    player = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player.add(PlayerShip([255,0,0], bigidea[1],3))

    global screen

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode([game_width,game_height])
    movingright = ""
    movingleft = ""
    movingup = ""
    movingdown = ""
    global enemybullets
    enemybullets = pygame.sprite.Group() #sprite group
    bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() #sprite group

    #player_bullet_speed = [0,-1] #speed of bullet
    #power = 1 #power of bullet?

    while 1:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    movingright = True
                elif event.key == K_LEFT:
                    movingleft = True
                elif event.key == K_UP:
                    movingup = True
                elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                    movingdown = True
                elif event.key == K_SPACE:
                    for players in player.sprites():
                        bullets.add(Bullet(color[0],players.get_pos(), 1))
                    bullets.update(game_height, game_width)
                    print "guns fired"
            elif event.type == KEYUP:
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    movingright = False
                elif event.key == K_LEFT:
                    movingleft = False
                elif event.key == K_UP:
                    movingup = False
                elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                    movingdown = False

            #elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                #print "guns fired!"

        if movingright == True:
            for players in player.sprites():
        if movingleft == True:
            for players in player.sprites():
        if movingup == True:
            for players in player.sprites():
        if movingdown == True:
            for players in player.sprites():
	screen.fill ([0,0,0]) #fill screen with black so screen is completely refreshed
	#salt = 30 #determines speed of enemy ship
	#pixels = 15 #the number of pixels in each direction

        salt = bigidea[3] #determines speed of enemy ship
        #print salt
	pixels = bigidea[4]
	#print pixels
	boxes.update(salt,pixels)  #update method of the sprite group

	bullets.update(game_height, game_width) #update bullets
        for bullet in bullets.sprites():
            screen.blit(bullet.image, bullet.rect) #show bullet

        enemybullets.update(game_height, game_width) #update enemy bullets
        for enebullets in enemybullets.sprites():
            screen.blit(enebullets.image, enebullets.rect) #show bullet

	for b in boxes.sprites():
		#b.update(salt, pixels) #salt determines speed
		#for salt (determine by difficulty/level number)
		#salt -slowest is 45 to 50, fastest possible is 1
		#pixels is the amount of pixels to move in each direction
		#pixels can be changed according to the difficulty level
		screen.blit(b.image, b.rect) #show the image!

                #collision detection follows
		#if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(b, bullets):
                #    b.hit()
                #    print "hit"
        #bullet and enemy collision detection
        for hits in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(boxes,bullets,0,1).keys():
            hits.hit() # somehow, the hits.keys() gives the sprite object
            #print "enemy killed!"
            #print hits
        for hit_player in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(player, enemybullets, 0,1).keys():
        #check if any enemies are left
        if boxes.sprites() == []:
            print "All enemies killed!"
            #print num
            #print num

        if player.sprites() == []:
            print "You died!!"
	#screen.blit(player.image, player.rect)
	for players in player.sprites():
            screen.blit(players.image, players.rect)
        time.sleep(0.01) #delay loop

if __name__ == "__main__":

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