Bob Ippolito wrote:

On Aug 8, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Kris Schnee wrote:

I'm interested in trying OpenGL again with that sample code just posted, but isn't using PyOpenGL now a problem considering that it seems to require NumPy rather than Numeric, and that NumPy blatantly withholds its documentation?

Since when does PyOpenGL require NumPy? The version I see is from Jan 2005, about a year before NumPy even existed (under that name as its own project).

The answer to your question is most definitely "No." because normal use involves just built-in types... but did PyOpenGL move away from sourceforge, or is your question simply not based on reality?

It could be, but I was looking here:

And saw "PyOpenGL-" (and "py2.4") presented as what seemed to be the most recent distribution.


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