> This option is the  -n  flag.  It's saved me a lot
> of trouble with IDLE.

>From the help:

>Running without a subprocess:
>If IDLE is started with the -n command line switch it
>will run in a single process and will not create the
>subprocess which runs the RPC Python execution
server.  >This can be useful if Python cannot create
the >subprocess or the RPC socket interface on your
>platform.  However, in this mode user code is not
>isolated from IDLE itself.  Also, the environment is
>not restarted when Run/Run Module (F5) is selected.
>your code has been modified, you must reload() the
>affected modules and re-import any specific items
>(e.g. from foo import baz) if the changes are to take
>effect.  For these reasons, it is preferable to run
>IDLE with the default subprocess if at all possible.

This sounds like it does the opposite of what we
want...merges the processes instead of completely
seperating them. I tried running IDLE with it and then
forcing my pygame code to crash. IDLE will normally
zombify(unresponsive) if I do that and make me kill it
manually; but with -n it completely blew up and gave
me a MSVC crash box. So my conjectures are: we are not
running the same program and -n is doing something
completely different for you guys, the OS running this
is a factor, or I'm doing a better job at making
crashy code.

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