Spurred on by the recent mails about OpenGL, I decided to give it another
go, and followed the NeHe tutorials from the main site, and grabbed the
lesson pack translated into Pygame from the pygame site.

First, awesome, actually taking time to carefully read through the tutorials
instead of rushing off to create a skybox and flying ninjas really helped
this time. *cough* ;)

Now, I noticed that the lesson pack on the pygame site only goes up to
lesson 10, whereas the tutorials from NeHe goes way beyond that. Inside the
python translations, it looks like lesson 10 was created in 2001, and since
it is now 2006, I was wondering if anyone had taken the time to continue the
translation effort?

If not, I have already successfully translated lesson 11 into python, and
plan on continuing the series (that is of course, someone can point me at a
complete lesson pack).

Hope someone can point me in the right direction (preferably on the z axis).


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