On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 08:16 -0700, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On 9/21/06, Chris Ashurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Regarding that... If I develop on a windows box, is there any way for me to
> > build a OSX application bundle on my machine? I kind of figure I could
> > possibly use Cygwin to make use of Freeze, but I also worry about
> > distributing a binary for *nix systems that may use a different endian
> > system or blah blah blah.
> No... and no.
That possibly explains a lot of the issues I've been having.
I've managed to get py2app, a plist implementation and otehr stuff
installed but my linux system wasn't having any of it trying to generate
the application bundle.

I'll try cx_freeze and see if I can get a linux build,a lthought he
linux one is the least of my worries, most linux people can understand
the console.

I can try the py2exe on my windows machine sometime.

James Paige said
> """
> setup.py for robohunt, run with:
> % python setup.py py2app
> For the list of available commands, see:
> % python setup.py py2app --help
> """

> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2app
> setup(
>     name = "robohunt",
>     app = ['run.py'],
>     data_files = [('',
>           ['./images',
>            './sound'],
>           )]
>     )

I've used a recipe similar to this for my first attempt at a standard
bdist_dumb build, but the tar.gz file it generates contains the
path ./usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
that's fine if I wanted the users to develop an application against my
game, but I'd really rather it didn't install my sourcecode on the
target machine, but only shipped compiled pyc/pyo objects and a main
script, which all unpacked to say ./GameName instead

I'll play with py2exe some more tomorrow and see if I can get it working
under that, it's a good start.  I can always steal time on my artists
Mac to use py2app and do the Linux one by hand if necessary.


Micahel Brunton-Spall
MIB Games

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